2 Corinthians  12:9-10   But his answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ’s power over me. I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

What a strange concept!  Who in the world would ever boast about their weaknesses?  This idea is foreign to our normal patterns of thinking.  Are we really content with our weaknesses, flaws, stresses, people’s insults, distressing situations, persecutions and difficulties?  No, that isn’t what comes to mind first!  Although, I can only understand this instruction from Paul in a small way because I have learned to walk this pattern of thinking. I know that this is the formula God has given us to be free from our stress, persecution and propensity to beat ourselves up for our flaws.

So, how does this work then?   When we are the most unequipped to handle a problem, we remember this simple verse.  God’s grace is sufficient for us.  He can cover up our sins and messes with His Grace.  Because He loves us, He makes a provision for us to endure hardship, weakness and other trials that come our way now and  will continue to come our way in the future.  He makes up the difference where we fall short — every time!   We don’t benefit from berating ourselves for weaknesses and sins that we may never entirely master in this lifetime.  I may never completely manage my tendency to have a bit of a bad temper, However, I have come a long way in managing this affliction.   Because Christ is changing each of us, every day He makes us a little more like Him as we come to His word and obey it.  Grace is not an easy out, it’s not a quick fix when we don’t want to obey and continue on in our bad behaviors.  It is a promise that there is an answer for what is ailing us, because at least part of the answer to our trials is always God’s grace.  That is sufficient for us.  Notice there isn’t a list of things it is or isn’t sufficient for.  It’s simpler than that, it’s all we need.  When our hope is failing, our faith is lagging, our patience is thin, there is still grace.  His power is perfected in our weakness.

I suggest you read the entire 12th chapter of 2 Corinthians, to better absorb Paul’s teaching.  Paul learned this kingdom principle himself and was directed to  record it by the Holy Spirit for our benefit.  When life is difficult, lean on God’s grace.  Just remind yourself that when you have come to the end of your rope, you will find God and his sufficient grace.

Father God, we are grateful for your grace.  Help us understand how to apply this comforting verse as a salve and a bandage to our insults and persecutions.  We are a blessed people to be under the care of such a loving, kind Father.  May we never run out of grace, Lord, until you return, we will continue to seek your sufficient grace.